The Believer's Power Source - Part One

God hath spoke once; twice have I heard this, that power belongeth unto God.  - Psalm 62:11 (KJV)

There are many things that exhibit a form of power in our world: the electricity that lights our homes and provides a haven of comfort, fossil fuels that sustain our transportation industry and even the power-lifter that astonishes with impressive acts of strength.  But nothing in this world can compare with the awesome power of El Shaddai, God Almighty.

The dictionary describes power as the ability to act, display of force or strength; retaining authority, influence, physical force or energy or a person or thing having great influence or authority.  The scriptures describe how the Almighty God wields awesome power throughout the history of our world. 

“God said let there be light and there was light.”  - Genesis 1:3 (KJV)

In the beginning, God displays His power by speaking the world into existence.  His words commanded immediate action.  No other being or entity is able to command life from nothing.

“And the Light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not.”  - John 1:5 (KJV)

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” - Luke 10:19 (KJV)

The Bible also states that God overpowers all of the forces of darkness.  While Satan is the current ruler of this world, he has been defeated by an All-Powerful God.  He has no authority that has not been granted by the Father.  As servants of the Most High God, He has given us the capability to share in this power to overcome the enemy’s influence.  

This power is first exemplified by God providing us with the power to become His sons through the work of Jesus Christ.

“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” - John 1:12 (KJV)

Through Jesus Christ, we are no longer slaves to sin but empowered to advance in victory against the forces of darkness!  Jesus Christ offers us the ability to walk in the power that He displayed when he made a “public spectacle” of the principalities of darkness by triumphing over them on the cross (Colossians 1:15).

So how do we tap into this power source?  For the follower of Jesus Christ, the power of God is presented to us through the truth of Scripture.

“And Jesus answering said unto them, ‘Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God?’”  - Mark 12:24 (KJV)

And by knowing the truth of scripture, we will be set free!  

Challenge:  Are you walking in the powerful path that the Lord has prepared for you as His child?  Or are you engaged in a dangerous dance with defeat?  Plug into your Almighty God, the true Power Source!

Join me next week when we will discuss how God empowers the believer for emphatic actions of faith.

Not a Sermon But a Thought,


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