Joe the Hero - Part One

“Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily.” - Matthew 1:19(KJV)

As we approach the Advent season I thought it would be appropriate to offer several blog entries that would turn our attitudes to the reason for the season. How about starting with a good cup of JOE! Not a cup of coffee but Joseph aka Joe the Hero!

When we read and think about the Nativity we are usually absorbed by the angelic announcement to an unassuming young woman who will give birth to a baby that has never previously been born or existed. Mary will give birth to a baby born helpless but blessed with the power of heaven. Embodied in humanity and yet absolutely encompasses eternity. Mary and the baby Jesus are indeed major characters in this story that continues to capture our hearts. However, I submit to you that both Mary and the baby Jesus had a hero in Joe.

Let’s behold his background. According to the scriptures:

• He was of Davidic descent (Matthew 1:20; Luke 2:4), 
• He was the son of Heli (Luke 3:23) or Jacob (Matthew 1:16), and 
• He was the husband of Mary (Matthew 1:16).

When we examine the four Gospel accounts only Matthew and Luke provide any reference to Joseph. While Luke recognizes his role as Mary’s husband but only Matthew calls our attention to his character indicating that he was a just man.

Next week we will consider the justification for Joseph being called a just man and why it's essential for this extraordinary event of human history.

Not a Sermon But a Thought,


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