Fear: The Emotion that will Fix You in a Fleshly Fog (Part One)

The LORD [is] on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?  - Psalm 118:6

Have you ever considered the weather condition, “fog”?  What is it?

Fog creates a cloud-like covering over surface areas - be it land, water or sea at any time. According to meteorologists, fog can develop immediately when warm surface temperatures confront and collide with cool air.  Subsequently visibility is reduced to zero.

This fact is essential because although fog may be beautiful to the bystander with its mesmerizing ambiance, it creates a hazard to travelers.  As a result, fog will vary in its density and is a dangerous element for people and especially vehicles of motion.  Trying to battle through fog can result in injury or death.

Were you aware that emotions that are not surrendered to the Spirit will place you in a fleshly fog that obscures our view of God and can seriously injure our fellowship and peace with God and others?

Fear is one of those emotions that encompasses us with a dense cloud of doubt and blinds us to the truth. It also challenges the credibility of God and calls into question His faithfulness.  For our consideration I have employed the following acrostic in order to examine the enemy of trust.

F ear
O bscures
G od

Next week, we will consider how the fleshly fog of fear impacts our intimacy with Christ and how you know if you are caught in the FOG!


- PBKSr.

Nathan Holmes