Advancing Advent for Assurance
“And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.” Isaiah 11:2 (KJV)
As we enter into the Holiday season it would be wise to walk into His wonder (Jesus) than Winter Wonderland. At some point we will hear Jingle Bell Rock maybe hundreds of times but what if instead we meditated and ministered to our hearts that Jesus is our Rock. In addition a lot of attention is given to the thought that Santa Clause is coming to town. Yet as believers we know that the Bible announces that God is not just coming to a town near you but is coming to save the world.
Traditionally, Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day, which is the Sunday nearest November 30, and ends on Christmas Eve, December 24. However, if Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday, it is counted as the fourth Sunday of Advent, with Christmas Eve appropriately beginning at sundown.
What is Advent? The word “Advent” was a foreign term for me for many years until I personally found the Light of the World who stepped down into my dark and empty heart. The word Advent simply means "coming" or "arrival." The emphasis of the entire season is the celebration of the birth of Jesus the Christ in his First Advent and the anticipation of the return of Christ the King in his Second Advent. Therefore, Advent is far more than simply highlighting a 2,000 year old event in human history. It is celebrating, announcing and advancing the truth about God. The truth that God took on and walked in a wardrobe of weakness in order to reconcile and restore a ruined relationship between God and His Creation.
“But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.” Galatians 4:4-5 (KJV)
It’s helpful to note that there are aspects of Advent that are marked by an essence of expectation, anticipation, preparation, and longing. There is a deep desire for deliverance from the evils of the world. This desire was first expressed by Israelite slaves in Egypt as they cried out from their bitter oppression.
We also cried out to God because of our experiences of brokenness and bitterness. Satan served up strife and separation from our benevolent God and our terrible transgressions sentenced us to death. However, those who have hope of deliverance by our faithful and merciful God have found refuge and rest in the reality that brought deliverance with the birth of a baby!
It is that hope that once anticipated and now anticipates afresh, the rule of an Anointed One, a Messiah, who will bring peace, justice and righteousness to the world. Only the Prince of Peace has the power to present peace in the present world and the world to come!
For the Glory of God,