The Faithful Path versus a Froward Path

By way of introduction for this week’s blog offering I offer to you idiomatic expressions.  Idiomatic expressions are a type of informal English that have a meaning different from the meaning of the words in the expression. For example consider the following:

“All roads lead to Rome”: An expression meaning that many methods will lead to the same result 

“One for the road”: A euphemism to refer to a final alcoholic drink consumed before departing

“Kick the can down the road”: To put off a decision or action, with the idea that the decision or action is being pushed farther along the way but will be encountered again as one continues

“Let’s get this show on the road”: An exhortation to begin something promptly

All of the aforementioned idioms can be identified with paths that we choose or decisions that we make.  I submit to you that we must come to terms with two paths that are paramount in the economy of God. There is a faithful or righteous path and a forward unrighteous path with polar opposite realities and results.

According to Scriptures, the way of the LORD, Yahweh, is a stronghold to the upright. The way of the Lord is the way in which He has commanded men and women to walk. We are to pursue His path or be resolute in walking down His road of righteousness.  This is achieved by embracing His eternal word and obeying the way of His commandments.

“What man is he that feareth the LORD? Him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose.” Psalm 25:12 (KJV)

“Make me to understand the way of thy precepts: so shall I talk of thy wondrous works.” Psalm 119:27 (KJV)

Those who walk in the way which the Lord has mapped out will find courage and the capacity to face eminent challenges in their lives.

Conversely, that same way of the Lord “is a ruin (destruction) to the workers of iniquity.” They adamantly alienate themselves from the Lord by abandoning His path. Consequently, they incur devastating punishment. We must be deliberate to not dismiss the truth presented in Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” (KJV)

The two effects of the Law of God are contrasted accordingly as it is either obeyed or neglected. While it is protection and provision to the righteous, it is punishment and ruin to sinners. Our Lord Jesus Christ made it clear: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man can come to the Father but by Me!

Please ponder your path today.  A faithful path will position you with life.  A froward path will position you in death and ultimately separation from God.

For the Glory of God,


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