The Sustenance of Our Souls is Solidified with Scripture
Uphold me according unto thy word, that I may live and let me not be ashamed of my hope. Psalms 119:116
In the Word of God, the term "uphold" is employed to express God's sustainment, His shielding, and preservation of His people. It shows His strong support, guaranteeing that they stand in His grace. In addition, it advances the assurance that we can continue in His ways and persist to the end notwithstanding the troubled waters of trials as well as the tempestuous traps and temptations.
Uphold (saw-mak') verb = to lean, lay, rest, support, put, uphold, lean upon.
In our text The Psalmist petitions for Strength and Support. By asking he announces his authority.
In addition it’s important to note that the authority of the Bible is paramount in order to possess and establish a true and authoritative basis for our faith. For example, In the Word of God we have an authoritative narrative for our belief of the Gospel.
1 Corinthians 15:3-4 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
There is a plethora of popular religions that are based entirely on human concepts or tenuous traditions. Biblical Christianity is based on the Bible (The Word of God) which Christians (born again individuals) recognize as their final authority because they believe it to be inspired by God.
The psalmist also positions himself with a Biblical world view.
A Biblical Worldview is an overarching view of the world based on God’s revealed truth, the Bible, (Word of God) which directs our life in this world. A biblical worldview shapes our beliefs about God, Creation, Humanity, Moral Order, and Purpose. Specifically:
God – To whom am I absolutely accountable to?
Creation – What encompasses my existence?
Humanity – Who am I, and how did I become a being?
Moral Order – How do I establish the ethics of right and wrong?
Purpose – Is there a motive and purpose for my existence?
In closing, let’s continue to connect and center our Faith in this fact. A soul’s solidification and sustenance are settled in Scripture.