An Infinite Invitation and the Sign of Immanuel, Part 2

An Infinite Invitation and the Sign of Immanuel, Part 2

Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14

From our last time together, I turned your attention to the fact that the invitation to Ahaz was indeed from our infinite and omnipotent God!!  And that our Almighty God gave King Ahaz not only an invitation but an infinite sign that announces the First Advent of Jesus Christ, who is indeed Immanuel.

Ahaz’s Rejection and God’s Response Isaiah 7:12-13

Ahaz’s refusal to ask is associated with an attitude-being that in his back pocket he was banking on the Assyrians to assist him against the attack of the alliance between Aram and Israel. Ahaz trusted the Assyrians, their forces, and their gods, for help, as opposed to embracing and exalting EL SHADDI! Ahaz would not ask a sign for the verifying of his faith because he was determined to dock in his unbelief as well as dine in his doubts and distrusts. What does that look like by way of an application? Perhaps you purported that the purpose that God had for you were perceived to be not beneficial. So, you elected to respond to God with thanks but no thanks.

 In your head and heart, you concluded that faith in God would not assist you in answering or addressing your conundrum. Because you are arrested in arrogance, you assert that you can answer or address the issue yourself. This type of thinking will always sever you from the spiritual /supernatural and set you in to the secular /natural. 

You cancelled out the counsel of God because your carnality has changed your conscience about God.  God has counseled us not to be not wise in your own eyes, fear the lord, and depart from evil. Remind us again AMY! AGE TO AGE YOURE STILL THE SAME BY THE POWER OF YOUR NAME!

Hebrews 13:8 - Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Malachi 3:6a - For I am the LORD, I change not.

Ahaz quoted scripture (Deut. 6:16) to project his polluted personal piety In Isaiah 7:12. This answer sounded spiritual but perhaps the way he said it proved he was not believing the prophet Isaiah. It’s been my experience that those deceptive hearts will often reference scripture to disguise their rebellion. In addition, getting scripture to mask your misguided motives or censure any counsel that will confront your carnality and call you out, is consistent with a carnal mind as well as the considerable consequence.

 Romans 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

By rejecting the messenger, Ahaz was in essence rejecting the Master of the messenger. Ahaz’s push back for a sign prompted God to give him one, nevertheless. In Isaiah 7:14 Isaiah told us that His name is Immanuel, God with us and this sign and prophecy was fulfilled in Matthew 1: 21-25.

The assurance of Advent is activated when we accept the truth of Deity dressed in humanity to deliver us.

Not a sermon Just some thoughts


Sarah King