An Infinite Invitation And The Sign of Immanuel
Moreover, the LORD spake again unto Ahaz, saying, Ask thee a sign of the LORD thy God; ask it either in the depth, or in the height above. But Ahaz said, I will not ask, neither will I tempt the LORD. Isaiah7:10-12.
Season Greetings Saints! The next series of blogs will be in alignment with the Advent Season. By way of a review for you. The word advent itself means “arrival” or “a happening or coming into place.” Christians often converse of our Lord Jesus Christ’s “first advent” and “second advent”; that is, His first and second comings to earth. His first advent would be the Incarnation. (God in flesh)
God being born in flesh (Incarnation) and wonderfully wrapped in humanity is completely captured in the considerable and consequential Christmas Carol “Hark the Herald”
Christ by highest heaven adored!
Christ, the everlasting Lord
Late in time behold Him come
Offspring of a virgin's womb
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see
Hail the incarnate Deity
Pleased as man with man to dwell
Jesus our Immanuel
Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King"
The Advent season continues for four Sundays. It commences on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, or the nearest Sunday to November 30. Advent concludes on Christmas Eve, and then opens the official Christmas season, which includes the” twelve days of Christmas,” leading to Epiphany, and continues through the first Sunday after Epiphany. Accordingly, Advent is the time of preparation, and Christmas is the time of praise celebration.
In verse 11 of our text the LORD (Jehovah=SELF EXSITING GOD) invited King Ahaz to inquire for a sign no matter how significant or the scale. (As deep as hell or the heights of heaven) The word of God reveals that EL SHADDAI is one of the Hebrew names for God. It is typically translated in English as, “God Almighty.
And “Amy Grants “El Shaddai” encourages with an an enormous line of her rendition of El Shaddai. “AGE TO AGE YOU’RE STILL THE SAME BY THE POWER OF YOUR NAME.”
Therefore, the Authority and Power that addressed Ahaz has the power to answer and accommodate any or all that Ahaz could ask for. And By the way as the song emphatically declares He is same Power for us today THAT CAN DO EXCEEDLY AND ABUNDANTLY MORE THAN WE CAN ASK FOR OR THINK ACCORDING TO THE POWER THAT WORKETH IN US. Ephesian 3:20
So, the Invitation to Ahaz was indeed from our Infinite and omnipotent God!! And I submit to you that our Almighty God gave King Ahaz not only an invitation but an infinite sign that Announces the First Advent of Jesus Christ who is indeed Imanuel.
Join me next time as examine and educate ourselves from King Ahaz’s response.
The Creator clothed himself in Humanity for the sake of Humanity having the Hope of heaven.
Not a sermon just some thoughts.